Monday, February 14

Thank Goodness for That.

Just thinking about all of the things I love about Valentine's Day...and also about my husband! (Wow, that still feels weird to say.) At this time last year, Tyler and I had just barely started dating. We were still at that awkward "do I get him something, do I not? Is this a "Valentine's Date" or just a hang-out?" stage in our relationship. Anyway, I presented Ty with a box of chocolate chip cookie dough pop-tarts, and we ended up freezing our butts of while attempting to sing Spanish hymns with thousands of other frozen BYU-I students. Then, we played board games with a lot of other people which we did not know. No bueno. But it was kind of a good date because we were together...and that is around the time we decided that we loved being together more than we loved not being together.

The day after Valentine's Day last year we went fishing. Our first time. I was not aware then that Tyler had a severe addiction to fishing. Now I am aware. Anyway, we decided that that could actually be our romantic and fun Valentine's date since our other one was freezing and strange. I just found this picture of our real Valentine's date from last year and was kind of cracking up. It was the first picture we ever took together, along with the snowman we made, Henry.Tyler hates this picture because his eyes are super squinty, but I love it. I also love his squinty eyes and how his ears raise up when he laughs.

I am so thankful for Ty and his never-ending patience with me. He is probably the most patient guy you will ever meet. I was thinking about how all of these little things have come at us in our marriage already, and I realized that people are not lying when they tell you that sometimes marriage is hard. In fact, they are telling the truth...go figure!

Thank goodness I have a man who will patiently rub a vinyl sentiment on the wall (which does not want to stick and is kind of crooked) while I have a fit and throw the spoon which is meant to smooth the letters, but is more useful to hit the wall with.
Also, thank goodness I have a man who wakes me up by kissing my cheeks every morning, and laughs hard at me when I am all worked up, and hides his puzzled face when I laugh and cry at the same time, and never ever leaves without a kiss good-bye.
And thank goodness that he is the most law-abiding citizen I have ever met, and that he hates tomatoes and I love them, and that he secretly likes to go shopping with me sometimes.
Thank goodness that I have a man who is always there for me at the end of the day.
And mostly, thank goodness that I am married to the most handsome man on this earth, and that I love him and he loves me.
Thank goodness for that.

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