Tuesday, September 27

the best/worst kind of homework

Well hello blogger friends.
What is the best kind of homework that can be assigned?
Why, a blog of course.
Except not a lifestyle blog.
Or a food blog.
Or a craft blog.
Or a Pinterest blog.
Or any other kind of blog that interests me.
It has to be a newsy blog. Newsy about your major and stuff. For me that means English and Education and Teaching kinds of topics.So, I started one of those over here
You can read it if you want. I completely understand if you'd rather gouge your eyes out. I would too.
{Imagine having to write the thing! Your sympathy is welcome.}
I gotta tell ya though, it is pretty flippin' hard to not be able to write about all this lifestyle junk that I usually talk about. I think you'll still be able to tell it's me though, it's quite opionanted.
So check it out it. Or don't. 
Either way.

Friday, September 23

first day of favorite season

I almost forgot about my blog. Just like I forgot about that essay I had to write, and that reading I had to do, and that quiz that I was supposed to take. I'm afraid my marbles are falling out right and left, and all might be lost soon. {Really, this is sooo not my style.} Tell ya what, this semester is kickin' my boot-ayyy. So much so that I am posting this from my Comm240 class. Gotta love those communication classes though, they are all sorts of connected. Requirements include: make a twitter account. make a blog. ride in a police car and write about it...{should be interesting, ay?} etc. Plus, you can have your laptop and cell phone out, 'cause that's how we connect to each other....right? 
I would just like to announce that I am officially in love with fall. 
And today is the first day. 
And it's Friday. 
And payday. 
And I am getting a facial today from my bestest sister-in-law. 
And I haven't gotten any sleep all week if you can't tell. 
Today is a good day.
 Being in love with fall and being in love with teaching children combined are going to make a great career for me someday because I will always have a first day of school. Every year. In the fall.
How much better can it get?

Saturday, September 17

please and thank you.

Probably some of you will say what I would say if one of you wrote this post...
Something like, "stop looking if it bugs you so bad."
but Imma write it anyway, k?
I think we all need a little brush-up on Facebook etiquette. 
Not that I am some kind of pro here, but whatever.
Here it goes, ten things {trust me, I have many more} to remember about the good ol' fb:
1. Facebook is not the place to let us know what you ate for dinner.
*Also not the place to let us know how you feel after you ate that dinner. 
{And other stupid posts of the sort.}
2. Please spare us of the bragging of oneself. We. Get. It.
3. Show people you love them. That's probably what Facebook is for. STOP showing us that you love them every five seconds. For the sake of all things holy, please keep those posts to a minimum.
4. Oh, and while we are at it, please keep the slobbering make-out pictures to a minimum as well. Unless of course you are engaged or something. There ya go.
5.  Don't fight your battles on fb. Unless you want people laughing at the ridiculousness of your level of maturity. {Which is probably why you wrote that post in the first place. Correct?}
6. Just FYI. People wonder about your vanity when you tag yourself in 56218734 pictures.
7. They also wonder about your vanity when you write about your vanity. {Refer to fb etiquette #2}
8. Probably just go ahead and keep your skanky posts/pictures/crude language to yourself. 
No one enjoys that. And I hate to break it to ya, no one cares.
9. Always remember that spelling and grammar tell people a lot about your intelligence.
10. When you post something you should think to yourself,
"would I be comfortable with this if I knew my mother was reading it?" 
Scary to think, but in this day and age, there is a good chance that she is. 
{Unless of course your mom is like mine and she has to creep on you through other people's fbs.}

Please and thank you.
Peace and love.

Tuesday, September 13

the last of the summer celebrations

  The summer went out with a bang this weekend as we attended a full-on cowboy wedding.
Every last detail was countrified, and the bride was glowing.
Something about weddings reminds us all how lucky we are to have some love in our lives...
Know what I'm sayin?
I'm a little depressed right now because I have hundreds of pictures to share and blog and
hundreds of photoshop tutorials to look up and hundreds of other important confidential stuff to
do on my new laptop.
But I also have hundreds of pages to read and grammar exercises to do.
I probably will whine and complain about it from time to time,
but probably just know in your heart (and mine) that said exercises/readings are actually sort of exciting. It's really something when you feel your brain expanding every day.
{It's just when it reaches that full-capacity point in the semester when things get scary.}
Gimme 4 weeks and I'll be whistlin' a different tune.

Wednesday, September 7

i will admit i have a small obsession

with Pinterest. 
Ty doesn't quite get it. Well, not at all, really.
"What's the point?" {He wants to know.}
Still can't answer that one myself...so instead I just say something smart and all irritated-like.
H-O-W can you not appreciate Pinterest?!
I can say that it livens up the day just a tad to admire other people's homes.
And their food.
And their quotes.
And their humor.
And their other random crap.
And dream about when I am going to have that home and bake that food and be funny like them.
Tell me you don't enjoy this stuff?

I dunno. Maybe I need to get a life?

Tuesday, September 6

over the weekend

Gosh, I know how much you are all dying to know what we did this weekend. Perish no more...here it is. Apropos, (one of about 4 vocab words I remember from h.s.) my last post, don't hold me to it just yet, k? This post is no spicier or lovelier than usual. My apologies.
On Friday we busted our buns and got outta town for labor day weekend. Because why wouldn't you use a holiday as an excuse to ride off into the sunset and spend money you don't have? I have to admit, Tyboy and I didn't even know what Labor Day was all about before. We were feeling kinda guilty about our empty little brains, so we looked it up.
Turns out, it's not just for bbqing and water skiing and movie marathons. 
Apparently, it is a day to celebrate the "economic and social contribuitions of workers." 
Good enough.
Where was I?
Oh, so we ate at my favorite Salmon restaurant (where I am glad I do no longer work),
waterskiied/wakeboarded in a lake that felt somewhat glacial
(surprisingly, when the air and the water are the same dang temperature, 
it makes getting in a whole lot easier)
 watched a lllooottt of movies
(that Dad of mine, he is quite the movie connoisseur)
ate (drank?) like 12 rootbeer floats.
Then we went to Olive Garden,
went to the mall,
went to the bodies exhibit,
went home and read our books.
And we felt really grateful for Labor Day.
The end.
My new laptop is coming in the mail tomorrow.
Which means I may or may not give the mailman a big smack-a-roo right there on the cheek for delivering such treasures to my home. 
And you know, since you have to "get to know" your electronics before you use them for college, I will probably be posting lots of crappily edited photos as I explore my new Photoshop program. 
It's gonna be a party.