Wednesday, February 23

He's a Keeper!

I am practicing up for my teaching career and thought we could play a little game today.
It's called "Keeper...Or Not?" Perhaps other lovely ladies would like to join in this game using their handsome husbands/boyfriends/honey's as their subject. I'm sure you will be able to catch on pretty quickly.

Round 1- Valentine's Day. Coming home to flowers and chocolates, and then being swept off my feet to a delicious dinner at Outback.
Keeper? Awwww....Yes.

Round 2- Getting a new hot glue gun as an early birthday present (every sensible girl needs one of those, right?) and spending the holiday making these to spice up our refrigerator...
When he would clearly rather be doing this...Keeper? Oh, baby! Most definitely.

Round 3- Arguing over this...Is there really even an argument to be had here?
I'd rather drink poison than RootBeer.

Keeper? Hmmm...sometimes love has to blind.
(Or at least not able to taste.) Yes, I'll keep him.

Final Score:
Or Not-0
Sorry, Ladies. He's mine.

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