Tuesday, May 10

The curse has been broken

I don't know if any of you will realize what a big deal this is. You see, in all the 130842 times Tyler and I have been fishing together, we have never {never!} caught a fish. Except for that one time when we fished all day, and then I walked across the road to take a picture or two and Ty just "so happened" to catch two fish in those five minutes...but he had thrown them back before I got there. Apparently he tried calling my name but I was being deaf off in the woods and I couldn't hear him. Does that sound fishy to you? Yeah, me too. There is no proof of that one.
there is proof of this one. Actually two.
And even though our fish only weighed one pound each, I think I can safely say that was one of the happiest moments in this marriage so far. {Is that ridiculous?}
But, that man is a fisherman, I tell ya. He gutted them and everything right there on the bank. {That's when us girls just stand back and act like we don't know how to perform such a skilled act of bravery.}

P.S. Wendy, our good luck charm, is now forever invited to go fishing with us. Not that we are superstitious or anything. We just need her.


  1. fishing AND lookin' cute and ladylike while doing it! good job! haha, i look like a cave woman whenever i'm out in the wilderness :)

  2. So proud of you guys! I think I might be to blame for the fishing curse partly. Tyler has never caught a fish around me either in almost 4 years that I have known him. Let's hope next time Tyler and I go fishing we all can bring some fish. That is my prayer, or wish or whatever.


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