Monday, February 6

things i need

I try not to use the word "need" unless absolutely necessary.
But you know what?
I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say that I need:
1. a big BIG diet pepsi.
2. for my husband to be home instead of listening to people complain about how their computers don't work all night.
3. speaking of computers, I need my internet to work so I can do that which is of most importance.
(ehemm...catching up on grey's anatomy.)
4. for it not to be monday.
5. for my brain to work faster/harder to plow through all this disgusting homework.
6. for my PINK sweats to not be in the dirty laundry.
That's all.
Now tell me, is that too much to ask? I mean, really.

1 comment:

  1. haha, i HATE when my sweats are in the wash and not on me!


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