Tuesday, May 15

conquer the world

One of my favorite ladies told me something the other day that has stuck with me throughout this week. As we were talking about all the places life has taken us and will take us, we got to thinking about the perceptions people often have of another person's goals. It's kind of sad to realize that not everyone loves or supports the fragile and precious dreams of others. In fact, many find criticism and judgment to fill the place where support is so badly needed. However, that shouldn't keep us from trying. She reminded me that it's OK to want to conquer the world.  And that right there summed up everything I have been feeling.

Tyboy and I will probably not conquer the world anytime soon, but that doesn't keep us from wanting to. Yet sometimes all the things we are "supposed" to want keep us from doing the things we really should do--those things we have talked and prayed and worried and laughed about together. In all reality, it's not the whole world we want to conquer, just our little corner of it. It's funny how monumental a realization like that can be--those "ah-ha!" moments we all know and love. Reminds me of a quote I have come across a few times lately:

"If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough."

I think we can both agree that we are sufficiently frightened, but even more excited to conquer our little piece of the universe.

1 comment:

  1. ah- I just LOVE this post. All of it is so true. We must dream big, because it's only then we will begin to conquer a small portion of the world! love your blog! xo


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