Wednesday, May 23

on being married to a good man

I am so blessed.

That just hit me tonight.

I know that I know it everyday, but some days I know it more than others. I opened the mailbox today and saw an "official document" addressed to Tyler Hansen. So I open it, because that's what any wife would do.

It's a diploma.

Not the kind designed on Microsoft Word and handed to the student of the month. Nope. A real one. Signed by Kim B. Clark and Thomas S. Monson. With one of those fancy little emblem imprints. On official cardstock, nonetheless. A Bachelor's Degree with husband's name on it. Tears welled up in my eyes for a second as I thought about all the nights I watched him do his homework at the kitchen table. The furrowed eyebrows, hand under his chin, nails chewed down to stubs, his diligent but handsome looking face on. He worked for every calligraphic letter printed on the certificate, and then some.

I hurried and took a picture of it to send to everyone I know.

Ty texts me back, "It feels so good to have  this part of my education done."

I think, "it feels good?" How about freakin' awesome, amazing, fantastic, this-is-what-you've-slaved-for-for-the-last-four-years good?! You bet your buns that's what kind of good it should feel.

Humility, that man, he's got it. Never heard him toot his own horn, not even once.

Then, he tells me later that he worked 14 hours today. Mostly he shoveled dirt. But it felt good. It was a good day. I suddenly felt kind of guilty that I took a nap, read a book, watched tv, and possibly even shopped a little bit today. Meanwhile, he was shoveling dirt and feeling good about life.

 I think it's true what they say about marriage...whatever one person lacks, the other person makes up for and vice versa. I'm not sure what that man lacks, other than the ability to navigate his candy wrappers to the garbage can, but I feel pretty darn lucky to have found him. Sometimes that scary thought crosses my mind of what life would be like without him. As quickly as it comes, I dismiss it, knowing that I don't even want to know what I would do without my best friend.

And I know that good isn't a  very strong word in today's world, but he is so good. I could list a lot of adjectives to describe him, but I think that does it. I have myself an inside, outside, all-around good man.



  1. I think good is a perfect word. :)

  2. I like the word good. Our world simplifies it's meaning but it's perfect. I love that after God had created the WORLD he looked at and said "it is good." Not great, wonderful or amazing (which it is) but he said "good." That's how you know it's a "good" word ;)



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