Friday, May 18

summer bucket list


Ahhh and your neighborhood strolls, sticky watermelon fingers, bbq dinners, sun-tanned toes and carefree days have arrived again. I couldn't be happier to see you!

This summer will be an adventurous one for us, to say the least. The sun is out and we've got the itch to experience the world. Besides simply lying outside and soaking up the heat, we have some other things planned, too.We like to think of this as the last summer before we actually have to be grown up. {Because even after you graduate, you still get that one last summer to play, right?} Just a few things we have planned for the months in the sun:

1. Graduate college. That one also gets crossed off of "life goals" bucket list, too. Woo-hoo!
2. Visit the Grand Canyon. And Havasu Falls...see that picture? Ah-mazing.
3. Soak up the sun on a beach. Any beach. Get this girl to the ocean!
4. Visit the San Diego zoo.
5. Read lots of books.
6. Perfect my "I'm-not-scared-of-you-even-though-you're-in-a-gang" face before teaching high schoolers this fall.
7. Find a few mom&pop icecream shops for the husband. He is a tad stressed about the Arizona heat.
8. Finally get the tent out that we received for our wedding.
9. Improve my golf game enough so that Tyboy will take me out in public.
10. Run a 5k. Or at least finish one. We'll see how that goes.

Anyone else have a summer bucket list?


  1. hahaha favorite- the one about high school and gangs. classic :) that's awesome you're going to teach! andddd I have my eyes set on running a 5k one of these days. I need to make a summer bucket list! I'll probs steal this idea :)

    Lovely Little Rants

  2. San Diego Zoo is my favorite. We have passes there :) Sounds like a good list! Good luck with the "I'm-not-scared-of-you" face. I need to work on that big time. lol

  3. #6 is my favorite! haha :) And I totally backpacked havasupai! It was amazing you will love it! :) And the heat isn't THAT bad! Especially with popsicles and a pool!

    p.s. thanks for the comment on my blog! :)

  4. Stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to show you some blog luv! def enjoyed this post def a gr8 list you have!! New follower via email :-)

  5. I've always wanted to visit Havasupai! Great summer list.


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